Over the years, we have been privileged to participate in hundreds of conferences, seminars, workshops, and conventions. The best MLM conferences share three things in common.
1. The presenters genuinely deliver value.
As MLM consultants we advise our clients what to watch for and what to expect from an MLM startup conference:
- Expect “meat” on the “bones,” not just “bones.” For example, if a presenter asserts that there are numerous legal pitfalls to avoid, expect the issues to be listed and top-level solutions offered.
- Think in terms of actionable information. Principles and concepts are important, and so are pragmatic, actionable steps that you can take home and implement right away. Especially for MLM startups, we recommend a “good, better, best” approach as they move to action on each item of their launch checklist.
- Take responsibility. When all is said and done, you’re the one who is responsible to get the learning and then go apply it.
2. The MLM seminars are not veiled sales and marketing conferences.
Justice Potter Stewart of the United States Supreme Court is famous for his expression that hard-core pornography is hard to define, but “I know it when I see it.” The same standard holds for those who spend money on registrations, travel, and accommodations to attend an MLM conference but get hustled to buy goods and services. They just know the good presenters from the tacky hustlers when they see it.
3. The outcome of your attendance is a much clearer understanding of what you must do, and how you can do it.
If you get nothing more from an MLM startup seminar, be sure to learn everything you didn’t know that you should know. In the end, it comes down to your level of trust and confidence in the individual presenters and the overall feel of the startup conference.