We have been privileged to be able to work inside the Scentsy operations in Meridian, Idaho. If there is a secret to their success as an MLM / Party Plan company, it’s the hearts and smarts of the owners and founders, their cracker-jack executives, and most importantly – their team of more than 300 people with big hearts.
A visit to the Scentsy offices will fill your senses with the fragrances of success, and the visual onslaught of cars parked thoughtfully up and down the street, not imposing on their neighboring business parking. It’s the sign of a thoughtful “good-neighbor” policy that reflects the well-run operation inside.
Of course, Scentsy creates incredible value in their clever, popular warming units used to melt their fragrance-infused waxes that gently fill homes and work spaces with a full range of life’s colors, flowers, kitchens and fresh outdoors–all depending on your preference.
My work with Scentsy has begun as an invitation to help them to stay on top of their game when it comes to delivering consultant services. With tens of thousands of active consultants bringing in record enrollments and sales, that’s no small task. But it won’t be difficult considering that the “servant-leadership” hearts of Scentsy owners Orville & Heidi Thompson derive from their roots. The challenge is to facilitate its reach into, and throughout, a company that just earlier this year received the DSA “Rising Start Award,” sharing the stage with ServiceQuest (also and Idaho firm – my humble little MLM consulting company), putting Idaho on the global map for direct selling.
That is so cool that you work with such stellar companies like Scentsy! Your company and website show you’re clearly top consulting professionals for the MLM and Party Plan industries. I both look up and respect you; keep up the great work!