Businesses use the Internet to accomplish a variety of objectives. Party Plan companies use the Internet in much the same ways as network marketing companies, though each has different needs and applications. MLM consultants extol the virtues of the Internet for the following: Prospecting and …
What sales tools must I have at launch?
The masses who contribute to company growth seldom like to "sell." Selling is a barrier to entry for the common person who joins as a distributor or a consultant, wishing they could receive income but dreading the idea that they must sell. Thus, to be wildly successful, carefully and purposefully …
What must I do from the start so that our MLM or Party Plan company is MLM legal?
Legitimate MLM and Party Plan companies are generally welcome businesses in the United States and throughout the world. State and federal agencies continue adopting legislation for network marketing companies, establishing standards for companies to follow, differentiating them from illegal …