Some MLM start up companies enlist the support of a marketing firm. Quite often, Party Plan start up businesses will carefully follow the advice of professional marketers. Often, marketing firms will help develop the company and product/service names, logos, packaging, branding, sales tools, …
What should be in our company’s MLM distributor manual or Party Plan consultant guide?
At the heart of training is an effective MLM distributor manual or Party Plan consultant guide that offers guidance, reference, and training. Tools can be effectively deployed to augment the training philosophies and practices, but there is no substitute for an effective manual. A party plan company …
If we are going to be a party plan company, what do we need to do differently from an MLM company?
Key differences between MLM and Party Plan TopicMLMParty Plan Product / Income Distributors are often less focused on the features and benefits of the product and more focused on the income opportunity. Reasons they join and reasons they will stay tend to align accordingly. This model demands …