In the headquarters of network marketing and home party plan companies, everybody is a customer service agent. Some have special assignments to work in accounting, marketing, and so forth. The common profile of the people who work in the best customer Service Centers is very basic: Description of …
Secrets to Selecting & Developing Extraordinary Staff
The objective in staffing your MLM startup is to support your reps and help them to be highly successful by creating the high standard of service and responsiveness in the Support Center. Key variables in your staffing plan will include the level of technology you use, the cross-training and skill …
MLM Startup Conference
We're happy to announce a new monthly startup conference for MLM and home party startups. How will this be different from other conferences? Here are our audacious claims: It will be held in a city that's easy to get to, a full one-day seminar We will hold it on a Friday each month so that you …