MLM Software. In all my years around it, I’m convinced that it’s a love/hate relationship.
I’m also convinced that the decision must begin by knowing what you want from your MLM software as well as the technology support team behind it. And the best way to know what you want is to define your requirements before you choose which software solution is right for you. Consider these points:
- MLM software programmers are smarter than most people I know. But don’t forget that they are programmers, and many do not have the real-life experience that comes from running a company. They’re analysts, generally speaking. And doggone smart. They’re the guys and girls who tell the computers what to do.
- If you don’t know what you want from your operation, the software you select will tell you what you want. Then, as you learn more about your business and MLM best practices, you’ll find that there are better ways to do things, and you will want to refine. Those refinements will cost substantial sums, many of which can be avoided by knowing what you want before you jump in.
- The smart people who program MLM software understand their applications, and many are as creative as can be. But it’s not fair to expect that they will know which settings or custom programming will be right for you. So, if you ask them for advice, keep in mind that they’ll tell you either (a) what they’ve only been exposed to, or (b) what their software does, and (often for good reason) they will assume that what they have created is the best way to do things. Naturally, these will become your practices. Whether or not they are MLM best practices is a different question.
- In the pool of smart MLM software smart people are the REALLY smart people. These are the rare analysts and consultants who have the uncommon experience from the front-lines of business as well as a keen understanding of how their software is designed. These ranks include people such as David Siembieda at Thatcher Technology Group, Mark Rawlins at InfoTrax Software, Chris Yadon at NetSteps (Congratulations on 2010 Inc. 500), Solomon McCluster at IDSTC Software, and Tim Transtrum (my younger brother) who has worked with some good and some real bad applications. At the risk of leaving out some great resources, the point is that as you go about selecting which MLM software will serve your needs, get real close to the REALLY smart people.
- MLM Best Practices become the key to setting up your business rules and making MLM software decisions to support the work flow and fulfillment of those rules. For help in streamlining the selection and decisions surrounding your business rules, we now offer the new Business Rules and Best Practices Manual. Created for the big companies, this MLM Best Practices system is ideal for MLM startups, especially for guiding the establishment of the business rules.
MLM Best Practices. Sooner or later, the demands of fast growth will force you toward best practices.
MLM Best Practices, when reflected in your business rules and key decisions, become the surest way to succeed in starting and running a successful MLM company. There are no shortcuts, but if you’re willing to do the work and pay the price at the beginning, you’ll reap the rewards of a bountiful harvest. Selecting MLM software can be haphazard and subject to luck of the draw, or it can be a clearly defined, stepped-out process, based on the right practices, tested and proven in the trenches.
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