Human nature never ceases to amaze. We haggle over a restaurant tip, but let tax deductions that may total hundreds of dollars slip through our fingers. We complain over high interest rates, but neglect to include that sales tax on our tax return. Why are we so fickle? The reason for letting …
MLM Legal
10 Steps Towards Launch! Part 8 – MLM Legal
The following is part 8 in our 10-part series entitled "10 Steps Towards Launch!" by Terrel Transtrum, President/Founder of ServiceQuest. If you are thinking about starting a new direct selling company, contact us today! The eighth of ten business segments that should compete for your attention …
MLM Legal Guide
When it comes to the best MLM Legal Guide with advice and guidance, much is written by MLM lawyers and law firms. Practitioners range from single-office MLM attorneys to full-service, multi-lawyer firms. As MLM Consultants with broad experience, including MLM legal, we are able to provide …