This entry is about the MLM launch event checklist. Much is written about starting and running the successful MLM business. From Free Manuals to best practices and consulting, it’s all there to help you successfully launch your MLM.
When it comes to MLM launch events, we’ve witnessed some great and some not-so-great events. Here is a simple lesson we have learned about executing a successful MLM launch meeting.
Your MLM launch event is quite possibly the most important event you will ever hold. Done right, it can be the spark that starts a wildfire of momentum. The tasks associated with the MLM launch event are outlined in a very detailed project plan that we provide to our clients. Because this event is so important, we provide this tool to help organize all the important details. Here is something that we have wanted to do, mainly to see if anybody is reading this blog. If you will send an email and request our detailed MLM launch event checklist–be sure to mention this blog in your email–I’ll send it to you for free, just for asking. Be sure to email and put “MLM Launch Event Checklist” in the subject line. Write a brief note and tell me how you are planning to use the MLM launch event checklist.