Guest post from Direct Selling Symposium partner, compensation plan expert Dan Jensen. Dan is one of the most sought-after compensation plan specialists in the direct selling industry. Having worked with hundreds of successful MLM, Party Plan, and direct selling companies over the last 30 years, …
MLM Best Practices
Ask the MLM Consultant: MLM Software Best Practices
As the MLM Consultant continues gathering research and client experience with MLM Software best practices, we offer these insights. Selecting the right MLM software and technology vendor is the gateway to MLM best practices (in many ways), so our reports and updates focus on selection. Starting …
Free MLM Startup Manual
For a free MLM Startup Manual, contact our offices. We are eager to provide free MLM consulting services, and our MLM Startup Manual is a great place to start. As a leading MLM Consultant specializing in MLM Best Practices, MLM Attorney and leading MLM consultant Terrel Transtrum combines his MLM …