Strategy & Planning
- {rokbox title=|Finding Money and Securing Capital for the MLM Startup – Terrel Transtrum| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/finding-cash-to-back-your-mlm-party-plan-startup.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Cash and Capital are essential for MLM Startup, and we guide you through the process of finding investors for your MLM startup - {rokbox title=|Starting and Running a Successful MLM Business – David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-party-plan-soft-launch-vs-hard-launch.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Project plans and checklists for starting your MLM and Home Party Plan business created by the top MLM consultants. - {rokbox title=|Business Plan for MLM and Home Party – David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-strategic-business-planning.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Strategic planning for MLM and Home Party business is vital to starting and running a successful MLM company.
Compensation Plan
- {rokbox title=|How to Design a Successful MLM Compensation Plan – Dan Jensen| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-compensation-plan-specialist-dan-jensen.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Combining experience with more than a thousand compensation plans, the LaunchSmart compensation plan design experts are ready to help you - {rokbox title=|Key Design Elements for MLM and Home Party Compensation Plan – Andi Sherwood| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-compensation-plan-specialist-andi-sherwood.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Expert MLM Compensation Plan Design Guidelines will save time and money, shorten the learning curve, and put you on a fast track to launching your MLM business or home party plan business
Recruiting & Retention
- {rokbox title=|Learn from Nicki Keohohou, the Founder of the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance – Nicki Keohohou| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-field-training-expert-nicki-keohohou.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Working from home, women are the greatest force in MLM and Home Party Plan Companies. Learn how to build a company that serves and supports them. - {rokbox title=|Training Systems for MLM and Home Party Plan – David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-training-dave-taylor.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
MLM distributor training and home party plan consultant training become the most powerful avenues for creating growth and sustaining retention. Learn the essential elements of fast start training and success - {rokbox title=|MLM Recruiting For The Startup Company – David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-recruiting.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Startup MLM companies can break even with 500 to 1,000 distributors. Learn the principles and methods for getting a fast start. - {rokbox title=|Distributor Retention for MLM and Home Party Plan – David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/supercharge-mlm-retention.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Solve the distributor retention problem by learning and applying MLM retention best practices. Home party companies have lower attrition than MLM, but the keys to success are the same. - {rokbox title=|Creating Effective Distributor Councils for MLM – Terrel Transtrum| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-distributor-councils.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
MLM Distributor advisory councils can be a powerful tool. Learn the types of councils that work and how to organize and effectively conduct
Legal & Compliance
- {rokbox title=|Legal Advice From MLM & Party Plan Attorney – Steve Richards| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/mlm-party-plan-attorney-steve-richards.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
MLM legal is an essential aspect to starting and running a viable and profitable MLM company and home party plan business. Learn how to avoid MLM legal pitfalls.
Software & Operations
- {rokbox title=|Social Media & Web Marketing for MLM- David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/harnessing-the-power-of-the-internet-mlm.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Home party plan can use the Internet in powerful ways to boost sales and recruiting. Learn the keys to social media and MLM or social media and home party plan business. - {rokbox title=|MLM Software vendors and what is the best MLM software – Terrel Transtrum| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/selecting-the-right-mlm-party-plan-software.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
Learn what to look for and how to select the very best MLM software for your mlm business and the best home party plan software for your company - {rokbox title=|MLM Seminars and Start-up Conferences for Home Party Plan Business – David Taylor| thumb=|| size=|| album=|Video Resources|}http://launchsmart.wpengine.com/video/tools-systems-mlm.flv&image=images/video_still.jpg&autostart=true{/rokbox}
The best MLM seminars are still the ones that focus on fundamentals. Don’t be fooled by those that are disguised sales events. Learn and grow by researching the best MLM boot camps and MLM workshops for startups.
Marketing & Design
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International Markets
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