Every direct selling company, whether they consider themselves MLM, network marketing, consumer-direct marketing, Party Plan, or multilevel marketing, must be aware of its obligations regarding sales tax. MLM sales tax and Internet transaction taxes, Value-Added Taxes (VAT) are increasingly hot …
I don’t know much about International. What does it take?
MLM International markets and Party Plan international strategies are tricky. Global frontiers afford fertile opportunities for companies that are forward-thinking and who will pay the price of preparation. A strong, well-formed international growth plan will dramatically increase your success rate; …
When should I go International with my MLM or Party Plan?
The world is open for business to MLM, network marketing, and party plan companies. Worldwide revenues now exceed $110 billion generated by 59 million distributors and consultants, according to the Direct Selling Association (DSA) (www.dsa.org). Some of the largest and best direct-selling companies …