Thanks Sonia (from India) for the question about big companies going MLM.
Your Question:
Here is a question for the MLM Consultant about big companies going MLM. I am planning to launch a new MLM company and I am beginning to see that the model is very strong. Why don’t big established companies start MLM as the returns in this are huge. Is there something I am missing?
The MLM Expert Response:
A surprising number of large companies are considering, testing, and actually launching MLM divisions. We support clients that are confidentially testing new markets. Others have already jumped in. Examples include Kimberly Clark (Fortune 500 Company), Discovery Toys, Dove Chocolate, Jockey, and Maidenform. Direct selling is a business model that works well for many products and services, and we believe that it will continue to gain prominence and acceptance in the global markets.
That’s one of the reasons we are wildly excited about MLM!
Thanks for contacting us. Terrel
P.S. Be sure to join us at the Direct Selling Symposium. You’ll be amazed by all that you will learn about starting and running a successful direct selling company. Here’s the link: